An ultracompact, sinterized particle product that is created in a process similar to that of volcanic activity. Performs, equally as well, installed outdoors or indoors.






An ultracompact, sinterized particle product that is created in a process similar to that of volcanic activity. Performs, equally as well, installed outdoors or indoors.
Stain Resistant
A totally impervious product that is highly stain resistant. Throw what you like at it and it will all clean off.
Chemical Resistant
Since Dekton has extremely low porosity and contains no resins, it is chemically resistant. Drips or splashes of common household chemicals like bleach, drain cleaners or oven degreasers won’t harm Dekton.
Impact & Sratch Resistant
Dekton is the most scratch resistant surface on the market and while the slip of a knife won’t damage Dekton, cutting boards are still recommended to protect your household utensils. Dekton is even more resistant to abrasion than granite making it the ideal surface for commercial applications and high traffic areas such as flooring. While other surfaces show wear over time, Dekton’s finish will last for the life of the product and never needs to be re-surfaced or re-finished.
Colours & Textures
Dekton is highly U.V. stable and comes in a wide range of colours many mimicking natural stones but with far superior properties. Surface finishes vary from a gloss polish to matt and textured.